Saturday, February 2, 2013


As a fellow co-worker put it "Americans, they use the dryer; the rest of the world hangs their clothes."  All over Australia I have noticed big drying racks in back yards, on apartment roofs, and near dorms.  I knew they were for drying clothes, but it didn't hit me till now, that I will have to be using these for the remainder of my trip.  I made it two weeks without doing laundry, but, with my shortage of underwear, I had to do it.

Buying detergent was standard, smelling through to get the best smell for the best price.  Then loading the washer, again, standard; splitting the clothes into lights and darks.  Starting the washer, normal.  Unloading the washer, typical.  Hanging the clothes, holy balls I don't even know.  At first attempt I didn't use clothes hanging clips because they were not out on the line and the one item out there was not using it.  So I told my self that it was ok.  I returned outside to hang my second load…clothes on the ground (dirt) and all bunched up on the lines.  I found the clips and secured my clothes to what I felt was ok.  My fear at this point was some underwear flying off the clothes line, into my neighbors back yard and him having to return them to me; I hung them inside to avoid that humorous and mortifying situation (my neighbor is the St. Hallett mechanic).  

The next day I found the clothes still hanging on the lines.  None of them made it over to the neighbors (thank god).

I did do some sheets and towels on Wednesday, hung them, then it rained Thursday…just my luck. 

1 comment:

  1. i would have peed in my pants from laughing while watching the debacle of you hanging your laundry and failing miserably.
