Sunday, February 17, 2013

What the Time Fly?!?!

View from the top of the tanks at St. Hallett

I have been here for a month!! I left one month ago.  How the HELL did time go so fast.  I came to the realization yesterday (Feb 14th) that time is flying.  I instantly got sad.  I have been having so much fun in Australia that I had no idea that the trip was already a third of the way done.  I have not had any count downs or break downs.  In the beginning of my trip I kept saying "I am not homesick now, but ask me in a month." Well…I am still not home sick! 

After having my mini freak out I realized that two months is still a long time.  give or take 60 days.  I also figured that my visa for here is a year visa, so if I genuinely don't want to leave, I have a few more months to bask in the Australian culture.  

It is weird though.  I don't feel like I am too far from home while being here.  I speak the same-ish language and nothing is crazy.  Most "crazy" things are just a little different, like eating Kangaroo or not having a clothes dryer.  Maybe in another month I will be begging to return home to America, but then again, I will probably blink and it will be towards the end of March. 

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