Sunday, February 24, 2013


MOG is stuff that is found in the crusher that is not grapes: Material Other that Grapes.  There is a good amount of this found in the crusher, especially when the fruit is mechanically harvested.  I don't usually have first hand experience with them, but sometimes I am told about it so I can check it out.  The other morning I did have some MOG in a grape sample that was left for me...I did not like this MOG one bit, a HUGE huntsman spider. So not cool at 5:30 in the morning. SO not cool.

A common MOG is lizards.  Quentin found one the other day and I got to hold it!! I was scared but felt that if they (the boys) were able to hold it, why couldn't i conjured up the balls and held the good sized lizard.

On Sunday, Quentin found a dead rat...eeew! Today, there was an injured owl.  I don't know what else will be found throughout the rest of harvest, but I hope not anything crazy.  There was a story going around that a winery found a kangaroo in their grapes. How that kangaroo got in unnoticed is a mystery, but its fun to think weird things like that can actually happen.

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