Monday, February 18, 2013

Buggin' Out

There is a difference between spiders in America and Australia.  The small spiders in Australia are the big spiders in America.  If I were to see an Australian spider in America I would have sprinted to China.  They are seriously huge.

The other day, I was in the lab and lifted my boot box to find a spider just chilling in a nook under the box. At first glance I thought it was a fake spider, it was that big.  I just looked at it and shreeked to my co-workers "Is this real/alive?"  I proceeded to blow on it; it was very much alive.  I shreeked again and ran away.  Kim came to the rescue with ethanol and papertowels and a shoe (on her foot).  It was so scary that it could have gone into my shoes!!!

My house has been pretty clear of bugs.  There are mosquitoes and flies. A couple times I found earwigs and daddy long legs.  I thought I saw a white tip once in the bathroom, so I got Sarah to kill it.  I also thought I saw a red back, so I sprayed it with a whole-lot-a raid. It is dead.

I don't know how I would be able to handle a huntsman in my room though as my fellow American friend Carissa did.  It was on her wall and ceiling for a few days!!!! NO WAY I would have done that. Not a chance in hell.  

Freaking HUGE spider out on the pumps in the Tank Farm.

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