Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Genetics are supposed to be passed down through generations and such but it does not alway work out the same.  Take my dad and his father for an example: grandpa=athletic, dad=puts in great effort.  So the theory of the family was the athleticism "skipped" a generation and my sister and I acquired the agility and talent. NOT. My grandpa was a solid basketball player from what I hear, but I question this after playing a game of basketball with my fellow Aussies.  

IF I were naturally talented at the game, I most likely would not have let an 8 year old, 4 foot 4 girl pack me.  I went to shoot the ball, and somehow her unnaturally long arms got a part of the ball.  Also if I were naturally talented at basketball, I probably would not shoot the ball WAY to high, or not even close to the basket.  

This may not be enough to convince you that I am awful at basketball.  But, my conclusion is this: basketball is either not passed through genetics OR if it is, (sorry grandpa) but it was never there to begin with.  

In the end, I had a lot of fun.  My team was getting really competitive towards the end and even a little feisty to counter the small child on the other team.  I hope I will be able to do this again! And I look super sexy in a basketball jersey...

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