Monday, March 25, 2013

St. Hallett Permanents

This picture is ridiculous, but hilarious.  I was laughing for 10 minutes when I first saw it. Some of the people look like they are almost in their natural setting, while others look a little…off.  

So the guy in the back on the left is Justin.  He is the "barrel king" of the winery.  If you need to find a barrel, you ask Justin.  The guy in front of him is Chris Rodgers, the viticulturist.  The gal in the front middle is Kat.  She is the assistant winemaker.  She used to be the lab manager, so she helps us out sometimes with lab questions.  Behind Kat is Greg.  He is the cellar manager for the day shift.  I don't work with him, but everyone loves him.  He is such a hard worker and is always running around.  We do not know how he just goes, and goes, and goes! The very back on the right is Toby, the head winemaker.  I think his picture is the funniest of the bunch.  The mustache is questionable hair or wine.  He is always walking around with wine somewhere on his face, so I would not put it past him.  In front of Toby is Shelley, another winemaker. She focuses on the white wines and also played basketball with me.  Lastly, there is Jeremy, aka Jez.  I guess when Australians give nicknames they add a "z" at the end.  So I would be Kaz? But so would Carissa, so I don't know.  It's an Oz thing.  Jez is another winemaker like Shelley.  He rides on a little purple bike around the winery all the time.  Sometimes I think I see a midget glide by the lab windows, but then I realize it is just Jez, on his bike.  

But that is part of the permanent crew, more so the people in the offices.  They are all great people, and naturally have to be cool since this picture is AWESOME.  

People I think look too natural in this picture…Jez, Greg and Justin.  Sorry about it.  

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