Friday, May 17, 2013

Casino Royale

Brooke, Fallon, Renee and I decided to have a nice night out in Melbourne.  We went to dinner on the river and had an epicly difficult meal.  They gave us a free appetizer because it was taking so long to cook our food.  I ordered a beer and they brought me wine.  Then when the food finally came out, Brooke's steak was not even cooked.  Like no where close to medium rare…like it was cold on the inside.  

Then we wondered to the casino.  Brooke and Fallon had never been before so we thought it was a good idea to sit and have drinks then go do a little gambling.  We noticed at the bar some guy who was alone in a blue shirt and a white hat but thought nothing of it.  Then, when we went to a table to gamble the same guy was lurking around behind us.  We walked over to another area and the same guy followed us to that area…sketchy.  Renee and I had taken notice at this point and were not sure on what to do.  Do we confront him? Tell security? Try to lose him? So we wanted to make sure this guy was creeping for real and went to yet another room which was down an escalator and around a few corners.  Again, he was lurking behind us while we were teaching Brooke and Fallon roulette.  This was the line.  We had to do something and we were seriously scared.  If he wanted to hit on any of us why hadn't he?  And he kept pacing around and talking to himself…creepy.  Renee and I devised a plan to go to a bar and when ordering a drink to ask the bar tender what to do about the situation.  On our way to the bar we ended up having to exit the casino BUT Brooke was sipping on her scotch on the rocks so we couldn't exit.  This was a weird debacle now.  We are stuck at a door with a man following us.  The man was coming closer and then decided to exit in our debacle of Brooke finishing her drink.  I was right by a security guard and quickly told him the situation.  The security guard ran to get a better look at the guy and walkie talked to the other security guards to not let him in again.  Granted, we took a cab home.

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