These past few weekends have been filled with g
reat activities. There is no better way to end the string of fun events with a huge party with all your coworkers. I have always heard crazy things about end of vintage parties but all the ones I have been to disappoint. And by disappoint, I mean I expected too much. I have had fun at all of them, but nothing crazy. So for St. Hallett I went in not expecting much. We did get to dress up because it was prom themed. I tried to go 80s punk-esque but it didn't look as ridiculous as planned. I looked normal. Thankfully other people went all out and looked fantastic in their thrift shop dresses.
The first event of the day was Lawn Balls. It is kind of like Bocci Ball or Batonque (french and spelling?) but the balls are bigger and weighted on one side. This means that when you roll the ball it veers one way. This adds a whole new challenge to the game, but not much excitement. It was fun to be drinking beers and hanging out with everyone but the game was so slow!! The slower you rolled the ball the more the ball would curve and if you threw it too hard it would end up in the gutter so slow was the way to go… SLLOOOWWW. And I think I have a little less interest in it because I was not very good. I am not good at bowling, and not good at lawn balls, I just don't have the skill to roll balls to set areas. I like to throw or hit them, not roll. Fortunately, my team was fun, it was man Kim, Kat and me (K.K.K….whoops). Fun did not equal wins. O well. We still think we are bad asses.
Failed Jumping Picture...We Are Still Awesome. |
Next stop, St. Hallett! We got to hang out outside with hors d'oeuvres; some sushi rolls and cold rolls made by yours truly Brooke and myself. There was also champagne and punch going
around. Someone brought out a footie ball and a soccer ball…I instantly went and played with it. I am not very good as soccer but I was way better at it than lawn balls. We just juggled the ball in a circle for what might have been an hour or so. The boys were getting sweaty. Peoples clothes were ripping from being so into it. I loved it! Like I keep saying, I love sports. I was so happy to just be handling a ball of some sort, it didn't have to be a volleyball. I was also happy with my executive decision to wear spandex under my dress. This allowed for me to do as I pleased and not worry about showing any goods, if you know what I'm saying.
Prom King and Queen! |
The sun did set, and we could no see the ball anymore so we called it quits. It was now time for dinner so I was not too upset that I couldn't play soccer anymore. There were tables set up for everyone and it truly did remind be of a prom, a small prom. Also, Shelley and Jez dressed up as teachers so that was even more of a factor making it feel like prom. They had to make sure we kept room for Jesus. We even had a Prom Queen and King. Girl Kim and Quentin were the lucky winners of this, and they rightfully won it. They looked the most thrift shop prom out of all the interns.
After dinner there was dancing. We had a jukebox which doubled as a karaoke machine. And once you have had a bit of wine and beer in you, the karaoke machine always seems like a good idea. We were singing and dancing the night away!! I didn't leave the party until about 2. I had so much fun with everyone. It is bittersweet in a way though because it is one of the last hoorays. Everyone except Brooke, Andrea and I are done this Friday. They all leave Saturday the 20th! I am going to miss them so much and I like to say that I will see them again someday but you never know. Everyone is scattered so far around the world that the chances are slim to see them. Hopefully we have made strong enough friendships were we do try and visit each other in our homes.
The Winemakers Told Her To! |
Oooo Boys.... |
Good Ol' Beau |
Getting Into The Karaoke |
That Helium Brought So Much Entertainment |
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