Anyway, we went to town for the weekend. I stayed in my first hostel too. I forgot what it was like to be in a room of bunk beds trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake people up. Freshman year of college was a long time ago now; I think I have lost my skill of being quiet, or lost my indifference to bothering people with cell phone alarms and squeaky beds. Every noise I made seemed to echo in the room when the people were sleeping. I could not even unlatch my necklace without stressing that the girl under me was waking up from the sounds. Then again, she was snoring, so she should have been the one worrying about the other people's lack of sleep.
Enough of the hostel rant and back to Adelaide. Well…there isn't much to say about Adelaide. We just walked around the mall street with stores, bars and restaurants on it. It was really crowded since it was the last weekend of an event called "Fringe". I am not sure what the Fringe is, or how to describe it, but it is the only exciting thing that happens in Adelaide I guess all year. So it's a big deal. The night was ver relaxed just eating and drinking and walking and talking. It is nice to get out of the small town of Tanunda every now and again.
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