Every Saturday from 7:30 to 11:30 am there is a farmers market in a town called Angaston. I was able to go this Saturday and meander around. (Hint: whilst meandering, stay on the left side of the aisle, we didn't and caused some traffic jams) The farmers was not as big as it is in SLO but it was cheaper than some grocery stores and with fresher produce so that was exciting. There was also an array of chutney. I did not know it was such a big thing, but half the stands were chutney stands.
There were more common foods like capsicums (bell peppers), summer fruits and some veggies. The carrots were colored! So cool yet intimidating at the same time. I even saw a purple capsicum...that was weird.
I think I want to go to this every weekend now. It is a good way to get out and feel like you are helping out the Barossa area and eat semi healthy, nom.
i'm embarrassed to admit i had to look up what chutney is. and purple bell peppers?! crazy, baby!