Monday, April 1, 2013

Clare Easter Races

Sophie, my house mate's sister, invited Carissa and I up to Clare for the Easter Horse Races.  It is Sophie's favorite day of the year, so it has to be fun!

The races were on Saturday but prep began Thursday night with shopping in Elizabeth.  We all had to get the perfect dresses and accessories.  Everyone dresses up for the races, so Carissa and I were not that prepared with the clothes we brought from America.  Luckily we both found great dresses and accessories for reasonable prices.  All the stored were having massive sales.  As my father says "If it is meant to be, it is meant to be."

The Group
On a side note, this Easter weekend is a BIG weekend.  Good Friday is a public holiday where no one works.  Nothing is open.  Then, everyone gets Easter Monday off too, which I am not sure is an actual day, or just a made up holiday to make a 4 day weekend.  Don't think I am complaining, I just don't get how Easter is so huge here.  Maybe it was just my upbringing and Easter always ended up people a volleyball tournament, but it is not that important of a holiday (sorry Jesus).  I mean, I was never one to believe in the Easter Bunny.  

Back to the weekend.  On Friday, Sophie came and picked up Carissa and I to spend the night at her parents place in Kapunda.  They live in the country, out on a dirt road, with minimal neighbors.  It was adorable and old fashion.  Then Saturday was the big day.  We woke up around 8 and began to get ready with jewelry, dresses, curling our hair, it was almost like a homecoming or prom type deal.  All ready to go, and now we had to drive an hour to Clare; oh the suspense.  

Finally, in Clare.  Tahlia, Sophie's friend, was kind enough to let us crash at her house after the races and have us over from brunch before the races.  Brunch was full of savory muffins, easter cookies and Mimosas.  All the girls looked gorgeous in their dresses and up-dos.  I could not wait to get to the actual races!

The weather was not very kind to us, but it could not ruin the day one bit.  The sun never peaked through the clouds, and rain did threaten us all day.  Still, the races were a lot of fun.  I have never seen a horse race, and I really only paid attention to one race, which I didn't bet on, so it really meant nothing.  Some of the girls I went with made $50 on a $2.50 bet though, I wish I had put something on that horse!  The day went on, the sun set, the DJ came around, and the party continued down at the pubs in Clare.  The pubs were packed with guys in suits and girls in heels and dresses from the races. A super classy looking Clare if I do say so myself.  There was a live band at the bar we ended up at, The Taminga, so we just danced around for ages.  My body was so tired by the end of the night but I was having so much fun.  All the people were being really nice to Carissa and me.  We ran into people who hosted some other interns that Carissa and I know (small world).  At the end of the night, we decided this was our best day in Australia yet!

To be honest, Sunday was not enough time to rest up, so I was happy to remember that we got Monday off too.  You know, to truly recuperate.   

Americans doing the races

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