I think the best thing happened to me on this trip (so far)…I got upgraded to Business Class for free for an 8 hour flight. Now that is ballin. I was just sitting outside the gate, waiting to load the plane when they were calling out name over the loud speaker. I heard my name which worried me; I didn't know if I showed up to late or if I had forgotten to check in. I walk up to the desk and they ask for my boarding pass (which is printed on paper…not the kind they give out). She takes the ticket and replaces it with a new one…18D Business Class.

I have never been on Business Class on an international flight before. The seat went all the way back so I was able to lie down. At one point I was sleeping on my stomach, something I could never to in Economy. They offered drinks often and the meals were served in real dishes with real silverware. I even got a bathroom kit that I just might keep forever to remind me how boss it all was.
On to more important things…
I landed safely, got through customs, and found Sarah (my housemate/landlord) with out any cell phone or internet. She was kind enough to pick me up at the airport, duty free.
Driving on the other side of the road is weird whilst being the passenger. I kept thinking we were about to go into oncoming traffic, thinking we were going the wrong way, and just failing at mentally driving. Thank God Sarah knew what she was doing.
Sarah took me around my new home for the next few months. Showing me places that I won't remember for a while, helping me get a cell phone (woo hoo Blackberry), showing me the bank, and getting groceries!! It is Summer here, so there is really good fruit available, which is something I miss dearly in the winter. O yea, and it is hot. Tanks needed, sweats not wanted.
My last little tid but of a rant for now is how baffled I am at my lack of tiredness. I don't feel jet lagged yet, at all. Maybe it will hit me tomorrow, but who knows. Even with the Business Class seat bed, I stayed up a lot on that flight. To be real, I think I stayed up to really appreciate and take in the greatness of fine travel., mixed with the adrenaline of airplane fright.